Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jeremy’s Home

Jer came in last night – he had a great flight with a change in planes in Las Vegas, but he arrived safely.  Yay!

There’s something crazy that happens when Jer comes home.  We all were standing around in the kitchen when someone asked how his day was, if he’d had to work or a lot to do before he flew out to California.  After that question was asked, we were all participants in the “Jeremy Comedy Show.” 

Jeremy has the ability to take the little happenings in his day and turn them in to hysterical moments for all who are listening.  We heard about the fact that he woke up on Tuesday morning, not able to remember all that he did the evening before, like brush his teeth and turn off the television.  We heard about his split-second decision to go have coffee when he had been headed home to pack.  I guess you had to be there, but by the time he was done, we were all laughing!

Jeremy holding court makes me smile!


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