Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So, Buster Posey, from the San Francisco Giants, won the Rookie of Year award.  I have to say, that made me smile!  He was a lot of fun to watch in the post season as well as in the World Series.

Buster is a well-rounded player; he was one of their clean-up batters as well as their catcher.  What really made me smile was what his coach said about him, “Here’s a guy that hit in the heart of our order, handling our pitching staff.  We threw a lot at him, but what a great job he did…”

“We threw a lot at him…”  He’s a catcher – catchers have a lot thrown at them.  What makes me smile is that we are all catchers in one way or another.  We have a lot thrown at us, some good, some difficult.  Success comes to each of us as we catch what’s thrown to us and do our best to deal with it.

None of us will likely ever win “Rookie of the Year,” but we each have a chance every day to do a great job with whatever is thrown our way.  It’s a challenge, but next time something is thrown my way and I’m juggling with it or struggling with it, I will think of Buster Posey and smile.


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