We had the opportunity to play Apples to Apples Junior with three of our grandsons last evening. Apples to Apples is a great game, it gives you a glimpse into the personalities and thinking of each person who is playing.
When it’s your turn, you put down a green apple card that has a descriptive word on it like: cool, disgusting, happy, pleasant, etc. Then all the other players put down their red apple cards that have nouns on them like: Mary Poppins, candy, pickles, tooth fairy, etc. You learn about words, associations and personalities. You have to really think about the personality of the person you are playing to – someone may really think that pickles are happy.
Well, during one turn, our youngest grandson put down his red apple card to play to his Papa. He wanted to make sure that his card was chosen – he came all the way around the table and put his hands over his Papa’s head and said, “Papa, think outside the box!”
We all laughed, it’s probably good advice for all of us at one time or another. I’m not sure whose card Papa picked, but that comment is still making us smile!
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