Today I did something amazing – and it made me smile. I did everything that I had on my list.
That list has been around for about two weeks, but that is beside the point – the point is I crossed everything off and I’m done. At least until I start a new list.
Lists can be very helpful – I personally use them all the time. Sometimes, if I do something that needed to be done but it was left off the list, I’ll put it on the list just to have the satisfaction of crossing it off.
Today, I had to wrap a baby gift and get it in an envelope, finish another little gift and put that along with other things into an envelope, clean some things in the kitchen and bedroom and office. Laundry, dinner, and some baking – check, check, check.
Making a list is half the battle – the real satisfaction comes when the chores are done and you can cross them off!
J list making isn't only MY obsession...,it's hereditary!!