Today, I took the day off. Yesterday was so busy and I was pretty tired after it was all over. We celebrated the end of our term in the afternoon and evening quilting classes. Potluck, raffle prizes, sharing, quilts such great fun…and lots of hugs to get us through the break! But, my feet were tired and I was looking forward to a day off.
So, promptly at 8:50 a.m. the phone rang and we sold our little Honda Civic. Then it was taking care of bills and checks to the bank and delivering boards to a friend, a little grocery shopping at TJ’s, a book drop-off at the library, getting photos developed at the photo store, a new dress purchase, a peek into the bowling alley, then we went home for lunch. After lunch we delivered things to Thrift Town , looked around a bit – enjoying their 30%-discount-on-clothing-day, then we went and found a pick-up to buy. After that it was a haircut and a crossword puzzle, clean kitchen and preparation for BBQ steaks and a nice evening.
I accomplished so much today – I think I’ll take a day off more often!
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