Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wake Up Call

Our power went out this morning.  It was a complete and total loss of power.  That’s what the power company said.  One minute we were sitting talking and the next everything beeped and it was quiet. 

We were all hopeful it wouldn’t last long, there were showers to take and hair to dry and oatmeal to cook.  Our next door neighbor came over to see if it was all the houses on the block or whether it was just hers.

I was the first to report the outage.  It’s a pretty nifty automated phone service they have to report problems.  They told me a couple of times to call 911 if what we had was an emergency.  We worked through my phone number, my address, the fact that my power was out as well as the fact that I didn’t know the cause of the outage.  It was all pretty matter-of-fact.  At the end they asked me to push 1 if I wanted a call when power was restored or if the situation changed.  That sounded like a good idea.  Then they asked which phone number they should use for that call.  Check. 

Then they made me smile….actually laugh out loud.  They told me that because they didn’t want to disturb me with that call, they would refrain from calling between 9:00 pm and 8:00 am.  They also said that if I was afraid of over-sleeping due to my power outage I could press #1 to schedule a wake-up call.  Pretty impressive, now I have gone from my house without power to an upscale hotel offering to schedule a wake-up call. 

The power came back on within the hour.  All went well with my day and the power company will not be calling to wake me up in the morning, although it’s nice to know they would if I needed them to!


1 comment:

  1. I like this one!!! Haha. Especially about how you can have a wakeup call!
