Friday, May 27, 2011

Recipe Cards

As you may already know, I like recipes.  I like recipes online, in magazines, newspapers, shared among friends and on television.  I have so many recipes it’s really pretty ridiculous.  I will never make all the foods I have recipes for, but I still collect them.

One of my favorite things is recipe cards.  I was looking through my recipe box this morning, looking for a cake recipe to make for strawberry short cake.  As I was filing through, I came upon a recipe written in my mother’s hand, one in my niece’s hand, one in my hand from a very long time ago.  I found one in each of my sisters’ hands and several in my daughter’s hand – it was pretty amazing.  I never really looked at that box as a treasure trove of handwriting styles before, but today I realized that when I make those recipes, I think about the person who wrote it out.

Handwriting styles are unique.  Some have similar characteristics and some are very different.  I realized this morning how precious it is to have some of my family’s handwriting preserved for me in a way that means so much…recipes.


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